Mihir Chaturvedi
...or perhaps, plibither8...
Hi there, and welcome :)
I'm primarily a UX developer, big-time JavaScripter, small-time designer and a full-time student @ IIIT Delhi.
✨ Featured Projects
🎮 A fully-featured terminal version of the popular game "2048" written in C++

Originally developed for my 12th grade course project, the game gained traction on Reddit and Hacker News. It was featured on GitHub's Twitter and Facebook accounts as well, thereby becoming popular overnight.
SourceReddit postDiscussion on Hacker NewsGitHub's TweetRefined Hacker News
✨ Browser extension: Hacker News, but refined — Interface tweaks and features to make the HN experience better

This browser extension adds much-needed features, and tweaks a few stuff on Hacker News to make the browsing experience better... without changing the look and feel. The minimalist and raw design of the site is sacrosanct and should remain intact!
SourceChrome ExtensionFirefox Add-onDiscussion on Hacker Newslicensed
⚖️ licensed is an interactive command line tool to help you choose and add licenses to your projects

This project was one of my first attempts at creating a CLI tool and an npm package. It drasctically improved my understanding of Node.js and more abstractly, the opensource culture.
Sourcenpm PackageMarkdown New Tab
🗒️ ⏰ ✔️ Browser New Tab: Save notes in Markdown directly in the 'New Tab' page

Markdown New Tab (MDNT) is a browser 'New Tab' page alternative that allows you to save notes, checklists, links, images, tables and everything that GitHub-flavoured Markdown [M↓] has to offer directly in the New Tab page for quick access.
SourceTry it out!Chrome ExtensionFirefox Add-onDiscussion on Hacker NewsSanskriti School
🎒 The official website of Sanskriti School, New Delhi

In late 2017 I was tasked with making my school a new website, solo. It was the first time I was handling a project of such scale – the development of which featured extensive cross-browser and cross-device testing, multiple revisions and beta-testers to ensure a uniform and accessible experience to all thirty-thousand of its monthly visitors.
All in all, the entire project took almost a year to finish, primarily due to my engagements with grade 12 studies and competitive examination preparations. The website was finally pushed to production in July of 2018.
Sourcesanskritischool.edu.inMade With Love In
❤️ Mircoservice for serving and listing "Made with love in <country-name>" badges
Inspired by the Made With Love in India Campaign, and driven by the urge to publish something on ZEIT's Now platform to understand what serverless deployments were all about, I created a microservice to serve SVG "Made with ♥️ in <country-name>" badges for developers to show off their and their project's country of origin.
Here is what it looks like:
🕒 Recent Activity
Last updated lastUpdatedFormattedSundry statistics for this week in music and programming passively collected in the background, and a curated list of my favorite Hacker News stories and comments. I'm a data hoarder, so be it ヽ(`Д´)ノ.
PS: This updates at most every 6 hours, it's not really live.
Programming, this week in
Total time7 hrs 55 mins
Daily average1 hr 35 mins
TypeScript7 hrs 51 mins
Modula-23 mins
Source: WakaTime
Favorited on HN, recently
- Unrelated to the article but seeing .tk brings back many memories. As a kid without a bank account let's alone an international credit card (VISA/Mastercard), dot.tk is the only way to put a website online with your name. I created countless of websites with .tk for classmates, school and families.
March 16th, 2024 · show on hn
- Considerations for a long-running Raspberry Pi
February 17th, 2024 · show on hn
- The Dunning-Kruger effect is autocorrelation
November 25th, 2023 · show on hn
- Fixing the volume on my Bluetooth earbuds
October 28th, 2023 · show on hn
- Because complexity is how you get loopholes, and The Powers That Be will never give up that option
October 18th, 2023 · show on hn
View on: Hacker News
☎️ Contact
I am currently accepting new freelance projects.
The best way to get in touch with me is to email at [email protected].
For a more informal tête-à-tête, you can contact me on Telegram.
You can also connect with or follow me on any of the following networks too: